days out Archive

St James City Farm in Gloucester

One of our regular favourite places to visit as a family, in spring and summer particularly, is St James City Farm in Gloucester. It is a very small farm, in a built up part of the city, where you’d least expect to …
Godney Gathering

We are the Gathering #CheckOutThatView

Mahoosive apologies for the lack of recent posts. Things got a bit crazy busy round our way. I’ve been shooting off to London for a series of press events and volunteering in Somerset too. I have the huge privilege of working as …

Under a shark #CheckOutThatView

I thought I’d share something a little bit different for this weeks #CheckOutThatView photo. As much as I’d love to say I’m in a hot country, swimming with sharks and taking photos from an underwater camera, I wasn’t. I do still think …