A traffic jam in Scotland #CheckOutThatView

I’ve only been to Scotland once in my whole life. I went to Craig Tara in Ayr with the girls and their dad about two years ago. We drove the journey and despite being a country girl myself, I was amazed at just how much beautiful countryside we passed on the way there. We unfortunately spent a chunk of our journey stuck in standstill traffic, but it could’ve been worse… this is the view we had outside the car window as we sat waiting for the traffic to move…

View from a traffic jam in Scotland


Scotland, Scottish countryside

…And this view was not just to our left, but both sides of the carriageway, stretching far ahead of us and rolling off for miles in the distance behind us too. I hadn’t realised how pretty Scotland would be. I hope to return some time and see a bit more of Scotland, maybe travel further north and visit some iconic destinations.

Thanks to all those of you who linked up to the last #CheckOutThatView linky and apologies for the missing weeks – my laptop died a tragic death and I have been truly lost without it! My favourite post from that week had to be Emsy Jo’s photos of Nissi Beach in Agia Napa because it was on this very beach where I got married. It’s strange to hear a local’s views of the beach as I’ve only ever seen it as a tourist and as a bride but it’s remarkable how different the beach can feel from one end to the other.

So here’s this week’s #CheckOutThatView linky. Please do spread the word and make sure you are going back to comment on at least two other posts. Sometimes the people who link up later get less comments, so it’s nice to pop back and visit theirs too. We all love a bit of comment love!





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  1. Photalife July 10, 2016 Reply
  2. Sarah July 10, 2016 Reply
  3. Coombe Mill July 10, 2016 Reply
  4. Brooke Neal July 11, 2016 Reply
  5. Molly July 13, 2016 Reply

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